Event: Interview Readiness Workshop
Date & time: 26 Aug @ 10:00-16:00
Organizers: Tibyan Institute
Venue: Focus High School, Computer Lab on 2nd floor
10:00-10:30 Welcome note & interaction with industry expert
- Distribute name tags
- Ask participants to introduce themselves: name, qualification, object they relate to and why
- Collect participant stats (chart)
- State training objective
- Email invites to padlet (https://padlet.com/mustafa_zaidi/r706zkq7gapw)
- Send feedback form https://goo.gl/forms/pbbhS08XDsIkI0RG2; participants stay logged-in
- Assess prior knowledge of
- Interview experience/feedback (chart)
- Interview related vocabulary (chart)
- Host interaction with guest speaker
- Take group photo
10:30-12:00 Creating impact with personal introduction (live training)
- Assess prior knowledge
- Impacting factors (chart)
- Introduce personal introduction template
- Individual presentations
- Presentation rating (peer & self feedback)
- Share self-learning tips
- Collect feedback
12:00-12:15 Break
12:15-12:45 Interaction with industry expert
- Host interaction with guest speaker
- Take group photo
- Collect feedback
12:45-13:30 Interview etiquette
13:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:45 Creating impacting resume/CV
- Assign reading task on Padlet
- Assign resume making task; download file from Padlet
- Assess submissions; upload on Padlet (peer & self feedback)
- Collect feedback
14:45-15:15 Interaction with industry expert
- Host interaction with guest speaker
- Take group photo
- Collect feedback
15:15-16:00 Handling interview questions
- Assign reading task on Padlet followed by discussion
- Collect feedback
Workshop images are below, click on the image to enlarge